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25 Days of Praise

Somewhere in the midst of the mad dash between Thanksgiving and Christmas, a stirring happens in my soul. With turkey and stuffing and pumpkin pie on my plate I name long list of things of which I am thankful for.

That list has barely left my lips when Black Friday begins the rush to splurge, buy, consume and want more, more, more. All in so called celebration of the coming of the Messiah. It’s the American way. And it just doesn’t seem to fit together. “I’m thankful for…”.and “I want….”

I’m not saying its wrong to want, obviously that’s not true. But it seems the thankfulness only lasts for a day or so when the flurry of wanting moves in and overshadows any thoughts of gratitude. Yes, deep inside I am still thankful for the basic necessities of life, but when the sale fliers arrive in my newspaper, my eyes get bigger than my checkbook. My wants turn into needs and I am suddenly not so grateful for what I have, but I would surely be grateful if I had this or that new gadget. Or that warm sweater. Or new dishes. Or a new tv. This list can go on and on and on and on and on and….. well, you get the picture.

Many blogs I have read lately spent November reciting what they are thankful for. It’s great, I definitely need to be reminded to be thankful. Today I am continuing that for 25 more days. Each day I will post something I am thankful for. My heart needs to be reminded to appreciate what I do have instead of wishing for more each day during this month-long pursuit of more.

So, join me in this adventure. 25 days of praise.  Praising God for His provisions.  I challenge you to comment each day something you are thankful for. I would love to hear your ending to the sentence: “I am thankful for …”

Day 1:
Today I am thankful for parents
who taught me about loving
and serving God, an absolutely
priceless value to my life.


  1. Sharon,
    I didn't know you had a blog-way cool! You really should write a book=) Today I am thankful for being a stay-at-home mom!


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